Sometimes no motivation is a good thing

Each year for the last 6 or 7 we have had a gathering of friends up here for new years and after the hugs and kisses at midnight we each share how successful we have been at goals set for the year just passed and set goals for the year ahead of us.

And as I’ve been giving thought to what mine may be for 2017 I wondered if I should keep staying sober as one of those goals – after all I’m 2.5yrs in now, this is my 3rd sober new year.

As I pondered this, this is what I learnt;

I still feel the desire to drink on occasion, I still feel the urge to have that glass of wine on occasion, sometimes I even feel pissed off that I can’t so okay the potential to drink is very real.

However – and this is a biggie – I am not motivated to!!! Desire, urge but no motivation. No motivation = no action ergo I don’t drink.

I am however motivated for all the reasons I gave for and for all that I have gained and learnt to continue to stay alcohol free.

So I’ll keep it as a maintained intention but it’s so empowering knowing that I have no motivation to have that drink.

A thought or an urge is only that, without motivation there is no action thus all is well and we are still in control.

Happy New Year Everyone

May it be safe and fun with plenty of giggles, good food, dancing or whatever is your flavour



10 thoughts on “Sometimes no motivation is a good thing

  1. Happy new year.
    It’s probably still a good goal. You should be proud of yourself for changing you life. I am.

    I went to a meeting the other night (very rare for me to go to meetings, but I wanted my 3 year coin). A well dressed, articulate women talked about how she had relapsed after 9 years.

    She said she couldn’t understand how it could happen. She was so confident and settled sober. Yet one day she was offered an expensive wine to try and she said yes.

    Her story spiralled into insanity quickly. And it had taken her almost a year to get any sobriety back.

    Her only wish for me, at 3 years, was to continue to cherish my sobriety…

    I hope you have a joyful and loving 2017!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Whoa, that’s quite a story – thanks for sharing it. It’s a good reminder how things can change so easily and to not take for granted something we are doing so well right now.
      2017 Now, hope you saw it in with cheerful celebrations.
      Love Gael

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow Anne’s comment has just shaken me as I was kind of nodding along with your post as at 7 months I have no desire to drink at all currently. I entirely expect to have cravings again some day but figured it would be similar to what you so clearly set out above. I think I need to remember that it has been SOOO very easy for me to relapse before and fall straight back into my old groove if not deeper into the groove. Nice post to read and delightful to read how you have accepted this and continue to chose not to drink. Happy New Year to you.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yeah I get you about Anne’s comment – quite a story. Got me thinking about not taking my sobriety for granted and as a given but to always cherish it and be grateful for it. Hope your new year has gotten off to a wonderful start.
      Love Gael

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy New Year, Gael!
    I am glad you are not acting on the thoughts.
    I still get a drinking thought once in awhile, but like you, I ignore it, or blow it away.
    It’s good to put all of this into perspective!
    Anne’s story about the woman after 9 years is a warning to me.
    I really don’t want that!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Wendy, with you on that one – I don’t want that either. I know how easy it is for me to slip back from no energy drinks to daily energy drinks and so figure alcohol would be the same. Sure as heck don’t need that.
      Have a wonderful year!!
      Love Gael

      Liked by 2 people

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