Three years and a few days…

So it’s now a little over three years since I choose to stop drinking alcohol.
Pretty damn fine effort even if I do say so myself.
1106 days…give or take.
My official soberversary came and went quietly, I didn’t notice. Only realising a few days after.
I guess that’s just because it’s normal for me now, it’s just what I do. No big deal.
It kind of is!!!

I actually still get a little rush from saying ‘No, I don’t drink’.
It’s still really cool waking up the morning after………………..just fine – no morning after ills for this girl. And if in the right crowd that is so much fun to rub in!
I definitely still get thoughts about having a drink, not like in the early days when that stirred up pools of fear within me, but in ways where I feel like maybe this time I will. Except I don’t.
I still like to sniff a red when it’s poured???????????? I don’t know why, I never really drank a red. Weird.
And sometimes I get pissed off that I am not having that tantalising glass of bubbles.

But then I breathe and I get to take strength from who I am now and where I am now.
I take strength from what I have achieved and I take strength from all the reasons I had for choosing to stop drinking. Reasons which are still valid today.
I take strength in me.

And after three years I am still discovering some people just have no idea I don’t drink.
I am also discovering the amount of people I know or mix with who don’t drink or don’t drink very little and this is a little surprising. NZ has a big drinking culture, no argument however it seems we also have a gig non drinking culture which is so cool.

And 3 years on I still find that when my sober status becomes known people – totally unprompted – tell me about their drinking status. As in, we only have a glass or two a week or I really should cut down or I love my glass of wine but I only have one with dinner or the women who on more than one occasion has commented she is coming to me for support when she decides to give up.
It’s interesting in a funny way.

Truth is I don’t monitor others drinking.
Truth is I don’t’ judge [or at times I do my best not to].
Truth is I am pleased to be where I am.
Truth is I do on occasions still think about it.
Truth is I still laugh a lot, sing just as badly and dance like I don’t care when partying.
Truth is you are unlikely to find me one of the last to leave a party, especially when most are drinking.
Truth is life goes on post alcohol.
Truth is life is a hell of a lot better or as was the case for me, my relationship with myself is so much better.
Truth is the only one who had an issue with my drinking was me.
Truth is, my opinion, thoughts, beliefs and feelings were the only ones that really mattered.


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